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Imported only from the best farms in East Asia, this popular choice is in steady supply with large quantities to meet the constant demand for Lemons.

Source farms: China, South Africa, Spain


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    While it might offer a bitter taste compared to its other citrus counterparts such as Lemon and Oranges, Grapefruit offers great health benefits and it widely used as a juice flavor.

    Source farms: South Africa


    0 out of 5

    The pomelo is a large citrus fruit; its size and weight are larger than the other citrus fruits. It has a thicker rind than a grapefruit. Containing 11–18 segments, the flesh tastes like a mild grapefruit.

    Source farms: china, South Africa


    0 out of 5

    Orange: One of the most popular sources for Vitamin C as well as being the highest requested juice flavor worldwide.

    • Navel: Easy to peel and ideal for quick consumption, the Navel Oranges date back to the early 1800s. They’re one of the world’s best tasting and are often seedless.
    • Valencia: These oranges are named after the city of Valencia in Spain, they’re typically available from March to September, which makes them quite accessible.
    • Seville (Bitter Orange): These oranges differ slightly from Navel and Valencia, and they’re local to Seville in Spain, they are larger and offer a slightly bitter taste.
    • Blood Oranges: Red in color, juicy and offering a tart taste. They are often seen in salads and for red orange beverages.

    Source farms: South Africa, Spain